When it comes to touring EARTHWORM PRODUCTIONS,LLC is more like the MVP. With over 20 years in the industry Big Worm of EARTHWORM PRODUCTIONS is the hottest MD around. The MD is the person who hires the musicians and singers. Arranges the music, leads the rehearsals and guides the band from opening night to final curtain.
EARTHWORM PRODUCTIONS network of MD’s, musicians, Production Mgrs & Techs spans both East & West coasts and the Mid West.
In addition, EARTHWORM PRODUCTIONS administration will oversee all of the detail involved in creating a show and showcasing your artist or Live show DAT. We take care of it all from:
Budget development (preferred rates at studios)
To helping you assemble your band Rehearsal & Backline. Protools Editing & Recording
Payroll, Travel & all of the detail involved with your band.
Allowing label and management to concentrate on the artist. EARTHWORM PRODUCTIONS LLC, is a one stop shop for all of your Live production needs.